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Posts in Category: Fresh Talk

Robert Heap - gentleman engineer 

It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Robert Heap last week, who died at the age of 72 after a short illness.

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Posted by Steve Gill 27 March 2014 14:20:00 Categories: Fresh Talk

ACR industry ambassadors wanted! 

Would you like to become an ambassador for our ACR Industry? There are now more ways than ever before for you to represent your industry.

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Posted by Steve Gill 25 June 2013 07:09:00 Categories: Fresh Talk

The ACR Industry needs a 'Fred' Award 

It is around twenty years ago that Mark Sanborn, a professional speaker, trainer and author on leadership and customer services met Fred his postman. Mark had just moved into his new home in Denver when Fred knocked on his door, introduced himself and welcomed him to the neighbourhood. He also asked Mark about himself and how he wanted his mail handled while he was away.

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Posted by Steve Gill 15 April 2013 23:21:00 Categories: Fresh Talk

To boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before 

I was on my way back from the ACR News Awards last week an item on the radio caught my attention: the Herschel space telescope was soon to cease functioning due to losing its refrigerant.

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Posted by Steve Gill 19 March 2013 09:33:00 Categories: Fresh Talk

Phil Creaney - a great loss 

Earlier this year, I was sat with Phil Creaney on the ACR Today stand at the ACR Show. As always, Phil was putting his creative mind to work and we were bouncing ideas off each other. After a few serious suggestions, Phil light-heartedly proposed that the ACR Industry should have a 'Personality of the Year' Award. "This industry is so full of characters, so we wouldn't be short of entries," he joked. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 04 September 2012 12:50:05 Categories: Fresh Talk

Refrigeration - saving Lives 

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have grown accustomed over the years to the look of incomprehension, followed by an embarrassing silence and a diverting of eyes, after I answer the question 'what do you do for a living?'... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 19 July 2012 14:16:40 Categories: Fresh Talk

The IOR: one institute, one vision 

During the past few weeks I have spoken to more people about the Institute of Refrigeration than I recall ever doing during my time in the industry. The current election for the IoR President-Elect has sparked debate, which has been seen by some as so fierce that some commentators talk of a rift in the membership. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 02 March 2012 16:45:50 Categories: Fresh Talk

Refrigerator - What's in a word? 

I was told recently by a very excited and surprised person that the term 'refrigerator' was first coined by a dairy farmer called Thomas Moore in 1803 and not by a famous engineer. It seems that the milk from his cows was churned into butter which he took to market and sold.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 07 February 2012 12:11:25 Categories: Fresh Talk

Cooling shapes the future 

I am always reminded at this time of year just how significant the ACR industry is to our everyday lives. It is often said that as an industry our contribution to modern society is taken for granted. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 19 December 2011 09:22:15 Categories: Fresh Talk

Is our knowledge valued? 

There is a saying that knowledge is power. We are often described as having specialist knowledge which we apply to the benefit of mankind. If we do have power, we do not gain from in financially to the extent of some other professions. When it comes to the ACR industry it sometimes, perhaps always, seems as though we constantly have to justify the price that we put to our knowledge. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 05 December 2011 11:17:43 Categories: Fresh Talk
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