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The IOR: one institute, one vision

During the past few weeks I have spoken to more people about the Institute of Refrigeration than I recall ever doing during my time in the industry. The current election for the IoR President-Elect has sparked debate, which has been seen by some as so fierce that some commentators talk of a rift in the membership.

What I have seen are many members from all sides of the membership whom are passionate about the IoR and want it to succeed. The IoR is seen as a model for the spirit of learning, innovation, and engineering excellence. It is also a model for collaboration and tolerance.

The IoR strengths stem from the fact that its aims are a shared endeavour which unites all aspects of this wonderful industry. Members are rightly proud of the Institute's achievements and history that have not only put it on the map but also into the world's collective consciousness. The IoR, like the history of refrigeration itself, has global traditions and appeals to members all around the world. It was born out of a desire to help others. Development in the true sense of the word is raising the progress of the community. Refrigeration has played a central role in this progress and truly transformed the way people live.

Education has been at the heart of the IoR's quest for excellence. Education is key to nurturing the innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. The IoR is a perfect blend of the academic and the practical. It is through this combination of skills and talents that it encourages ideas to turn into practical solutions.

I had the opportunity a few years back to look through some of the early IoR history when writing a piece on the history of the annual dinner for ACR News. Reading through the early speeches and notes from a century ago, I was filled with both humility and pride, and inspired by the optimism and determination to strive further. Each year they spoke eloquently about extending the IoR's unwavering commitment to the development of refrigeration. A commitment which respects the traditions of the past, and the environment, while eagerly embracing the future.

As we embark upon this new era, we should aim to build and exceed the wishes of the founding fathers and never allow complacency to take hold. In the race for excellence, there is no finish line. What I sensed when talking to the members is that this determined spirit is still alive and well and at the heart of this industry.

Talking to people at the dinner, I did sense a growing frustration from some members but as I looked around the dining hall at the annual dinner last week, I did not see a divided membership, I saw a treasure trove of experience, knowledge, enthusiasm and energy, all networking together. This is the true strength of the institute, its members. If we pull together we have a strong Institute and together we really can change the world.

As we face the new global challenges of the current century we can have one Institute, with one vision. It is in our hands.

By the way, if you are a member and you have not voted, you still have until the end of March to do so. Voting for your preferred candidate is one way of helping to shape the future direction of the Institute, don't let this opportunity pass you by.
View User Profile for SteveGill Steve Gill has worked in the ACR industry for over 30 years as a contractor and consultant. He is a member of the Institute of Refrigeration Executive Council and a former Director of ACRIB. He was the winner of the ACR News `Consultant of the Year Award` in 2011, 2013 and 2014.
Posted by Steve Gill 02 March 2012 16:45:50 Categories: Fresh Talk


By Graham Young
02 March 2012 17:04:50
Congratulations to Prof Graeme Maidment.

I hope that he reads this blog and learns from it.

This blog is good Steve. Pity that you didn't win. I hope that you will stay actively involved.

By Steve Gill
02 March 2012 17:03:50
Congratulations to Graeme. I wish him every success.
By Tony C
02 March 2012 17:02:50
Congratulations to Graeme Maidment. I hope that all IoR members will support our new President Elec. and work with him.
By Jimbo
02 March 2012 17:01:50
Richard. Steve is not a dictator and his blog does not perpertuate any myth. Steve is highlights the wonderful history of the IOR and shared effort that has gone into making it what it is.
True, it's reputation is tarnished by recent events and the actions of the current President and Council but this does not detract from what it has been and what it can be.
Steve, keep writing the blogs that you want to and don't get drawn into the election farce. I hope that you can rise above it and continue to contribute in your own way, and that you continue to encourage others like myself to do so.
By Richard T
02 March 2012 17:00:50
One dictator = one one vision. That makes sense.

Steve,your blog though well intentioned perpetuates the myth that the IOR is there for the good of the industry and its members.

You should be writing about the farce of the election that never was. It has proven to be the non-event of the year. It has been a one-horse race from day one thanks to the biased heavy handed approach to it taken by the President and Council.
By Steve Gill
02 March 2012 16:59:50
The IoR will have a stand at the ACR Show this week (13th to the 15th). The IoR stand is K41.
If you would like to know about the IoR do visit the stand and say 'hello'.
By Graham Smith
02 March 2012 16:58:50
Inspirational! I am a proud member and after reading this I want to get more involved. This will start with my vote, but I will follow up by becoming a more active member. The future of the IoR is a 'shared endeavour'. I want to play my part in that history.
Good blog. Thank you ACR News and Steve.
By James T
02 March 2012 16:57:50
Networking at the annual dinner is out of the highlights of the IoR year. I agree Steve, this is one institute and dispite some of the negative comments recently, I also beleive that it has one vision, one goal.
Great use of your blog space to draw attention to this. I really enjoyed reading it and will tell the IoR staff when i see them at the show next week
By Gary H
02 March 2012 16:56:50
This is great to read. The IoR has a long history. Has anyone written a book about it?
I read your article on the IoR dinner last year (or was it the year before) which was extremely interesting. Can you write more articles on it?
By Lim
02 March 2012 16:55:50
Hi, I live in Asia and I am very proud to be a member of the IoR.
Pleased to meet you all here.
Refrigeration is very big in Asia and IoR is not so well known. But we know it, and very proud to do so. I hope to meet many more members.
BR Lim
By Jamie Ward
02 March 2012 16:54:50
The IOR has a lot to be proud of. All this has been achieved by the proud members that devote their time to the institute and to the refrigeration industry.

The IOR acts as the hub for the industry. It is at the heart of it.

Long live the IOR and all its good work.
By Mark Jones
02 March 2012 16:53:50
Good luck to all three candidates in the Election. All will make an excellent President.

All three candidates are shinning examples of the good work that is taking place within the IoR. I think with more active members like you three, the legacy of the IoR is in good hands going in to the future.

Well done for writing such a neutral blog at this time.

Long life the IoR.....'a shared endeavour'.
By Stephan
02 March 2012 16:52:50
The IOR is unique. It is the only body which caters soley for cooling engineers. CIBSE & ASHRAE for include other disaplines. It should be stronger worldwide because of this unique specialism.
Good luck to the IOR with its transformation and development. Everyone wants it to succeed, It just needs to throwoff it's reputation as an 'old boys club' and lose some of its stuffy feel to make it appealing to both the new and the old hands in the industry.
It is great that so many feel passionate and strongly about it and care enough to want to progress it.
It is perhaps hard to imagine but would have been started by pioneers all those years ago. What it needs is to regain that pioneering thinking and mindset.
Really inspiring blog Steve, well done. You write very well.
Good luck to everyone involved in the election including the voters. Remember 'it is a shared endeavour ' :)
By Simon
02 March 2012 16:51:50
Great blog. IOR has a great history and I am a proud member myself. I really liked this. 'A shared endeavour'.....that is a perfect description.
Thank you for writing this and promoting the best of the IOR
By Paul Smith
02 March 2012 16:50:50
The IOR was founded by people working in the industry - industrialists and engineers. In recent times it lost its way as it failed to respond to the competition from people like CIBSE and failed to listen to its members. It took a more accademic approach and lost its balance and relevance for many.
I have been following the Presidential Elec election debate with some interest. What seemed at first like another just another tick box exercise for more of the same has turned into a real election with the addition of the third candidate who is not only offering an alternative, but has also brought some energy to it.
The IOR was once a dynamic institute and leader, at last there is some hope that it can be again. I know who i will be voting for. Good luck Steve
By Peter D
02 March 2012 16:49:50
A great rally call. Steve, you see what is going on around you and are deterimined to affect true change.
I have been a proud member of the IOR for almost three decades and after reading your blog feel prouder than ever.
The IOR is one institute, with one vision, and now it has found its voice.
By Adam J
02 March 2012 16:48:50
The IOR has a fantastic history and we all hope that it can continue to shape a great future going forward. 'A shared endeavour' you put it.
Steve, I think you are great for the IOR. I and the rest of the membership look forward to working together with you.
By James
02 March 2012 16:47:50
Well said! There is a lot of criticism flying around aimed at the IOR at the moment. It is great to see someone taking the lead and saying something positive for a change.
I do not have a vote as I am not currently a member but after reading this,I will apply.
Good luck with the election.
By Michael
02 March 2012 16:46:50
Fantastic blog Steve. I am like yourself am a proud member of the IOR and reading your words here reminded me why i am. I feel inspired to get involved and to become a more active member.
Good luck with the election, you have my vote. Whatever the outcome, you are the winner in most people's eyes.
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