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Latest Features

 1 Nov 2006

Compressors: GEA’s portfolio is extended to meet CO2 requirements

WITH so much interest in CO2 the GEA Refrigeration Division has carried out extensive development of its products for this refrigerant. 
 1 Nov 2006

Editors Comment: Let them eat cake!

MAYBE it's the time of year but here at Faversham Towers we seem to have spent most of the month wading through reports, surveys and studies, as the news pages of this issue will confirm. 
 1 Nov 2006

Compressors: Time for an oil change?

Lubricating oils developed specifically for ammonia refrigeration compressors can enhance reliability and reduce operating costs as Nick McDonald, market development officer of Kluber Lubrication GB explains 
 1 Oct 2006


A round-up of supermarket news and gossip 
 1 Oct 2006

Product Developments: It’s open season

Peter Lowther, md of fan coil manufacturer Ability Projects, suggests that the BACnet open controls protocol could break the free-issued controls stranglehold 
 1 Oct 2006

Supermarket Refrigeration: Time’s running out for HCFC equipment

BOC campaign urges action before 2010 deadline 
 1 Oct 2006

F-Gas Update: D-day for F-gases

Neil Everitt tip-toes through some of the major points of DEFRA’s new F-gas guidance document 
 1 Oct 2006

Editorial Comment: Showing off is no way to show off

THOSE who thought it was only us Brits who are ever capable of shooting ourselves in the foot on an international scale, will no doubt crack a wry smile at the shenanigans going on in Germany. 
 1 Oct 2006

Supermarket Refrigeration: Painting the right picture

IN THE retail world it is seen as being vitally important to project the right image to the customer. This is no where more true than in the case of supermarkets. 
 1 Oct 2006

Cooling Towers and Water treatment: Closed circuit cooling tower with intelligent controls

BALTIMORE Aircoil has launched a new closed circuit cooling tower, the HFL range, which can operate in three modes: combined dry/wet, adiabatic and fully dry. 
 1 Oct 2006

Supermarket refrigeration: A big fish at Sainsbury

AS BRITAIN’S leading fishmonger – and Seafood Retailer of the Year for the last two consecutive years – Sainsbury’s takes the presentation of its fish very seriously. Ice is of paramount importance. 
 1 Oct 2006

Supermarket Refrigeration: Cutting costs at Costcutter

FABDEC has supplied its Smart-Heat recovery system to the Costcutter supermarket in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. The installation, which was carried out by Portglenone Refrigeration Services has already resulted in a substantial reduction in heating costs for the supermarket chain. 
 1 Oct 2006

Supermarket Refrigeration: LEGISLATION: It’s not all funny acronyms

Dave Archer, business development manager at Parasense takes a look at current refrigeration-related legislation and how it affects the supermarket sector. 
 1 Sep 2006


A round-up of supermarket news and gossip 
 1 Sep 2006

Coldstores: Coldstore users can claim 80% CCL discount

COLDSTORE operators can now claim an 80% reduction on the Climate Change Levy in return for meeting energy or carbon saving targets under a new Climate Change Agreement. 
 1 Sep 2006

Coldstores: Film debut is a curtain raiser

BIDDLE has launched a short film to highlight the problems associated with inefficient barriers between internal and external environments in coldstores. 
 1 Sep 2006

Humidifiers: Full steam ahead

Steam dispersion systems can increase the flexibility in system design and afford opportunities previously not possible particularly in challenging applications says Dave Mortimer, national sales manager for Vapac Humidity Control 
 1 Sep 2006

Editors Comment: Air conditioning is bliss, ignorance isn’t

SURELY no one can deny the unbridled joy of having access to an air conditioned environment during this year’s record-breaking hot summer. Whether it’s at your workplace, home, or just in the car, there can be no greater pleasure than that derived from an air conditioner as temperatures creep through the mind-melting 90s. 
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