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 1 Aug 2006

Chillers: Facing the chiller challenge

Many chillers in the UK are falling short of providing optimum efficiency, largely through insufficient control. Jim Kilcoyne of Trane Controls provides a few pointers on how to get the most from the chiller plant 
 1 Aug 2006

Energy Saving Equipment: BT answers the call for energy savings

Geoff Lockwood, technical director of Ebm-Papst UK, looks at the huge carbon savings being made by BT after adopting new air conditioning equipment using EC fan technology 
 1 Aug 2006

Editors Comment: Too much heat is taxing

NEWS that hundreds of tax officers were given three days off on full pay during July’s heatwave no doubt made some tax-payers see red, but underlines how some employers are being forced to confront the effects of excessive heat in the workplace. 
 1 Jul 2006

Editors Comment: So who’s getting a raw deal?

It was two years ago that we first mentioned in these pages how the increasing demand for raw materials was fuelling costs for equipment manufacturers. At that time, the price of copper had reached $1.38/lb from a low in 1998 of just 60cents/lb. Even then, those escalating prices, along with those of steel and other raw materials looked set to signal a round of equipment price increases. Amazingly, thanks to increases in production efficiencies and a further chipping away at manufacturers’ already tight margins, equipment prices remained relatively stable. 
 1 Jul 2006

Compressors: A savings injection

Optimised to take advantage of sub-cooling via vapour injection, Copeland Scroll compressors offer a capacity increase of up to 40% compared to a standard ZF scroll. Robert Kebby, Copeland’s sales director for the UK and Ireland, reviews two studies where this technology has produced energy savings in low-temperature supermarket applications 
 1 Jul 2006


A round-up of supermarket news and gossip 
 1 Jul 2006

Energy Efficiency: Optimising energy usage

With energy costs spiralling out of control it is worth revisiting the Versatemp system says Clivet UK md Lance Joy 
 1 Jul 2006

Low Energy Supermarket System: Putting the super in market

Fridge companies collaborate to design the ultimate energy saving supermarket system 
 1 Jun 2006


A round-up of supermarket news and gossip 
 1 Jun 2006

Editors Comment: Giving customer service a lift

I HAVE in the past been accused of being a little cynical – quite unfairly I feel – but then those claims are only ever levelled at me by tedious optimists. Anyway, I don’t think it’s wrong to not necessarily believe every company which tells me about its exemplary customer service. After all, what are voice mails other than a means by which you never have to speak to a client again? And what are automated switchboards other than a means to save employing a telephonist? None of these electronic wonders actually have anything to do with customer service, despite the fact that many companies who have them like to argue otherwise. 
 1 Jun 2006

Training: Reaping the rewards

FEW observers would disagree with the fact that there is a shortage of talented, young engineers entering the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. Despite a diminishing pool of qualified engineers, some companies are reluctant to run apprenticeship schemes, fearing failure. They instead rely on high wages to attract those available in the employment market. 
 1 Jun 2006


An employer has an obligation to provide suitable protective equipment for employees and, following a recent House of Lords ruling, need only consider the risk for which the equipment was provided to protect against and whether the equipment was sufficient for that purpose. Richard Booth, a legal advisor at international law firm Eversheds, discusses the ruling and employers’ obligations 
 1 Jun 2006

Training: Leading the way on CPD accreditation

MITSUBISHI Electric has now achieved independent accreditation for 39 of its courses, seminars and pieces of literature from the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Service. 
 1 May 2006

Service and Maintenance: Software at your service

David Bell, md of Estimation (right), explains how a combination of the right software and mobile technologies can bring efficiencies to service and maintenance work 
 1 May 2006

Service and maintenance: The advantages of outsourcing

WHEN something goes wrong with the building services the usual course of action is to call in a service/contracting company with the necessary resources to fix the problem. If the equipment manufacturer or installer provides such a service under a warranty or service agreement, then this may be a satisfactory solution. The question that has to be raised in this scenario is how cost effective is it to have separate service agreements for each component within the building? Also, in older buildings tracing the OEM or installer can be a problem. The route that a number of companies are now taking is to appoint a specialist maintenance company. 
 1 May 2006

Editors Comment: China – handle with care

We’ve said it before but how long will it be before China is no longer the home of cheap manufacturing? According to Business Week magazine, labour shortages in the land that once propelled human reproduction into the Guinness Book of Records are propelling wages to even greater heights. In some industries, wages are reported to have risen by 40% or more last year and staff are becoming more mobile and more choosy. 
 1 May 2006

Service and maintenance: Get your cards!

With compulsory registration on its way, it’s time to look at what schemes are currently available and what’s to come 
 1 May 2006

Refrigerant development revs up car ac market

HFCs join the fray as CO2 takes a bow at MAC summit 
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