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13 May 2022

Munters - CIBSE CPD seminar for dehumidification

NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE - Munters CPD Seminar for Dehumidification can now be delivered to you and your team ONLINE. Find out more, contact us today.

Munters in the UK is a CIBSE approved CPD seminar provider for dehumidification and psychrometrics.  The seminar is designed to educate participants on the benefits of humidity, moisture and temperature control with proven examples from the global leaders in energy-efficient air treatment.

Suitable for consultants, architects, specifiers, installers, and industry professionals alike, these popular CPD seminars are delivered by Munters expert engineers and held at participants' own premises (UK only).

Usually held over lunch (Lunch & Learn), we'll even pay for lunch* for face to face seminars! (invoice required). Alternatively, why not get your team together ONLINE (Microsoft Teams / Zoom).

Find out more, contact us today.

Click here to find out more about: Munters Ltd
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