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24 August 2010

Cable Tray Supports | Condenser Supports | HVAC Supports | Duct and Pipe Supports

Sure-Foot provides the most flexible choice for supporting a full range of building services on flat roofs including condensers, cable tray, HVAC and AHU.
Cable Tray Spacing

As a general rule of thumb, when supporting cable trays on Sure-Foot, contractors should space the supports between 1.2 and 1.4mt centres. Service runs such as cable trays supported on Sure-Foot should be able to hold their own weight in between support spans otherwise deflection in the cable tray may occur.

Condenser Supports

The Sure Foot base frame and extender frame modular support system offer contractors a quick, flexible and cost effective way to support condensers and other building services units on flat roofs.

Mechanical and electrical contractors can start with the Sure-Foot base frame, which consists of four Sure-Foot feet, four Sure-Foot adjustable leg assemblies, two base frame beams and two base frame sliding beams. These are the main components that make up the Sure-Foot Support System for the base frame, which is a cost effective solution for supporting two split air conditioning condensers or one VRV or VRF condenser unit.

Building services contractors can take the base and then extend the frame with the Sure-Foot extender frame. Extending the base frame with the extender kit provides multiple condenser banks to be installed. The Sure-Foot Extender kit consists of two Sure-Foot feet, two Sure-Foot adjustable leg assemblies, two extender frame beams and two extender frame sliding beams. Increasing the Sure-Foot base frame with one extender kit allows the mechanical and electrical installers to support up to four split air conditioning condenser units or two VRV/VRF condenser units. For building services engineers on site, maintaining a good stock of the base frame and extender frames allows you to be flexible and know that you can install the full range of condenser banks without having to wait on the supports to be designed by third party suppliers or other trades.

The Sure-Foot support system for building services solves many of the issues that can jeopardise a good building services installation.

Flat roofing contractors and M&E engineers specifying the Sure-Foot System can speed up project sign off with no snagging issues requiring another site visit.

There is no risk of penetrating the roof membrane when positioning the Sure-Foot system on the roof.

Unlike other solutions, the Sure-Foot approach creates a flexible support according to on-site needs and does not need to be determined before the start of the project.

Achieving target height of condensers so that they are in line with other mechanical units is simple and quick with the Sure-Foot system. Air conditioning condensers supported on Sure-Foot utilise a threaded leg assembly which can level the services and also provide services clearance, reducing the need for future decommissioning of air conditioning condensers.

The Sure-Foot support system can also reduce the area that services occupy. Rather than taking up a big foot print on the roof, the supports take up a smaller area than say secondary steel fixings or penetrative plinths.

AHU Supports

Sure-Foot support frames and support feet, support building services equipment such as Air handling units (AHU) according to the contractors requirements. The Sure-Foot support range does not restrict building services engineers or contractors to just the modular framework, though it can be excellent for small to medium AHU and mechanical units. The Sure-Foot building services range also includes the option for contractors to extend the frames with the Sure-Foot Extender kit and the Sure-Foot base only option which can be used for contractors and M&E engineers to create onsite supports with standard strut.

The Sure-Foot support system for building services solves many of the issues that blight contractors and M&E engineers when installing an AHU on a flat roof. There is no risk of penetrating the roof membrane by having to mechanically fix the Sure-Foot to the roof. The Sure-Foot foot and threaded leg method allows the building services installers to place the Sure-Foot on the roof surface and then utilising standard strut, create the frame for the Air Handling Unit.

When it comes to achieving target height the Sure-Foot support system utilises a threaded leg assembly which can level the services and also provide services clearance, reducing the need for future decommissioning of services. The Sure-Foot support system can also reduce area that services occupy. Rather than taking up a big foot print on the roof the supports take up a smaller area than say secondary steel fixings or penetrative plinths.

The Sure-Foot Support system is the most low cost and flexible AHU support. You can install AHU units on either of the modular frames or on the support foot. Also air movement runs such as duct can be supported on the standard H prop kit, consisting of brackets and Sure-Foot, allowing you to create your own H frame shape.

Contractors should be aware of the issues involved when supporting mechanical units such as AHU. It is important they consider the pressure the services installation will place on the structure of the roof and the pressure on the insulation and waterproofing finish. These issues can be easily overcome by consulting the structural engineer on your project who will advise as to the maximum loading per foot. Contractors should also understand that having a loading imposed via a big foot on the roof it may cause structural or roofing issues and advise should be sought by the projects consultants if in doubt.


All products can be bought online through our secure ordering system. Standard loading tables, dimensions and case studies are available to show how you can create your own support system without breaking your budget however if you are in doubt at all about which products to order, please fill in our email enquiry form and we will get back to you.

Click here to find out more about: Sure-Foot
N.B. The information contained in this entry is provided by the above supplier, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher
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