

Public health inquiry into rise in legionnaires' disease in Scotland

A sudden increase in cases of legionnaires' disease in Glasgow has prompted a public health investigation.
A cross-agency investigation into an increase in cases has begun between the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Public Health Protection Unit with Health Protection Scotland (HPS) and the Health and Safety Executive, along with other partner agencies.

In total five people in the Greater Glasgow area have tested positive for the disease. These confirmed cases include an elderly male, who had other underlying medical conditions, who passed away last week.

A 30-year-old female, with a number of underlying health problems, is also currently in critical condition. In addition to three other cases where the individuals affected are stable and are all responding well to treatment.

Dr Syed Ahmed, NHSGGC's lead consultant in public health, said: 'There are always a small number of cases of LP in the community every year, however this rise in the number of cases so close together is unusual.

'As a result we have begun an urgent investigation with HPS and Environmental Health colleagues today to examine if there is any potential common source or whether these cases are coincidental, albeit unusual. At this early stage in these investigations we have established no link between the cases.'

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