

J&E Hall cellar cooler installed at lakeside bar

The Boaters Bar by Lake Windermere at Bowness in the Lake District is enjoying the benefits of a versatile, reliable and cost-effective J&E Hall cellar cooler.

The J&E Hall cellar cooler.

Working with InnVictus Bar and Cellar Services, ABC Direct of Great Harwood, Lancashire, was asked to complete a fast and efficient cellar cooler install over a weekend to meet the high pressure demands of opening the refurbished bar on time.

The compact JCC cellar cooler was a top choice for the popular cask ale and gin bar at the Windermere Marina Village. The cellar cooler proved easy to install when the contractor was up against the clock.

The JCC cellar cooler range offers cost effective and reliable units designed to maintain temperatures required for beer and wine cellars.

The ability to have electronic control down to 4°C can also prolong the life of fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers, dairy products and other items requiring a temperature-controlled environment.

There are four models in the JCC range which operate at capacities between 2.87 to 5.82kW. Units have six fins per inch brewery specification evaporator coils.

Andy Sherrington of ABC Direct said: “J&E Hall cellar coolers are cost-effective, reliable and low noise. This is invaluable in a lot of micropubs and bars we work in.

“Having a wide range of options from J&E Hall means that we never have to compromise by installing something too large or too small to get the best results.

“The J&E Hall after-sales service is great and the cellar coolers offer trouble-free installation. A JCC cellar cooler was the perfect choice for the Boaters Bar.”


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