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31 October 2017

Nordmann launch new compact humidifier through Heronhill

The importance of air humidification in buildings cannot be stressed enough. Mo­dern buildings and offices with controlled ventilation in par­ti­cu­lar have the disadvantage of a cli­ma­te that is often too dry. Discomfort, air­bor­ne dust, irritations of the mu­cous mem­bra­nes and an accumulation of colds and sick­nes­ses are the results of too low air humidity.

RC4 humidifier

The new compact electrode steam humidifiers RC4 and DC4 manufactured by Nordmann and stocked by Heronhill cater to that need and produce absolutely hy­gie­nic steam from regular tap wa­ter to increase your health and well-being.

Be it at home or at the office – the range of applications is unlimited

Without a doubt – given its sleek and modern design, the RC4/DC4 steam hu­mi­di­fier is best displayed in your private home. Water and power con­nec­tions are elegantly hid­den in the wall, while the steam is led into a ventilation duct (DC4 model) or fan­ned directly into the room (RC4 model). The RC4/DC4 steam humidifier is the ideal choi­ce for offices and other work­pla­ces as well. Should co-workers still complain about the working atmosphere, don’t blame humidification.The successor of the popular RC/DC 3000 series has been installed the world over and will keep providing a healthy room climate in shops, offices, com­pu­ter rooms, flats, stores, humi­dors, wine cellars, surgeries, archives, libraries, etc. The field of app­li­cations is virtually un­li­mited.


Be it at home or at the office – the range of applications is unlimited

Without a doubt – given its sleek and modern design, the RC4/DC4 steam hu­mi­di­fier is best displayed in your private home. Water and power con­nec­tions are elegantly hid­den in the wall, while the steam is led into a ventilation duct (DC4 model) or fan­ned directly into the room (RC4 model). The RC4/DC4 steam humidifier is the ideal choi­ce for offices and other work­pla­ces as well. Should co-workers still complain about the working atmosphere, don’t blame humidification.The successor of the popular RC/DC 3000 series has been installed the world over and will keep providing a healthy room climate in shops, offices, com­pu­ter rooms, flats, stores, humi­dors, wine cellars, surgeries, archives, libraries, etc. The field of app­li­cations is virtually un­li­mited.

Easy handling and safe maintenance

Thanks to its graphic display and clear text menus, settings are quickly and   easi­lyRC/DC4 Display ad­jus­ted.      Hu­mi­di­fi­ca­tion is required during particular hours of specific days? And not at all on week­ends? No prob­lem, set the built-in clock and air hu­mi­dity is provided exact­ly when needed. For the sake of energy and water con­sumption.The cylinder in which hygienic steam is produced needs to be exchanged from time to time. This can be easily and safely performed even by those not tech­ni­cal­ly inclined, owing to the new­ly developed internal cover. This lid keeps con­duc­ting parts and the elec­tro­nics from in­ad­ver­tent contact and thereby increases your safet

The new compact steam humidifiers RC4/DC4 are immediately available from Heronhill - call 01823 665660 or visit for further details.

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