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 21 Jul 2020

Robinson Facilities Services joins exclusive NHS North of England list of trusted suppliers

Yorkshire-based Robinsons Facilities Services, a commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical repair and maintenance specialist, has joined an exclusive list of firms accredited to undertake work at NHS hospitals across ... 
 21 Jul 2020

TF Solutions joins REFCOM Elite

National wholesaler TF Solutions has become the latest addition to the REFCOM Elite Supplier scheme.... 
 20 Jul 2020

Sustainability Guide puts engineers at the heart of sustainable buildings

An updated guide on sustainability published by CIBSE, empowers engineers to influence the work done and decisions made on building projects, to lead to more sustainable outcomes.... 
 20 Jul 2020

WHO backs industry stance on airborne threat

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has acknowledged the threat posed by airborne transmission of the coronavirus following months of warnings from ventilation and air quality experts.... 
 20 Jul 2020

BPMA joins with Make UK

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) has partnered with manufacturers’ organisation Make UK.... 
 10 Jul 2020

New flexible model could boost apprenticeships, says BESA

A more ‘blended’ approach to the delivery of apprentice training must emerge in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, according to the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA).... 
 10 Jul 2020

Samsung partners with Etopia

Tech-led smart building company Etopia has signed a partnership to create homes of the future with Samsung Electronics.... 
 10 Jul 2020

ACR News Awards is virtually first

The ACR News Awards 2020 took place virtually on 09 July with the entire industry able to see the event online as it happened.... 
 9 Jul 2020

BESA backs Chancellor’s plans for apprentices and green economy

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) has welcomed the Chancellor’s plans to boost the ‘green economy’ and support apprenticeships.... 
 9 Jul 2020

EPEE welcomes the Commission’s Strategy for Energy System Integration

EPEE is welcoming the European Commission’s published proposal for the Energy System Integration Strategy, recognising the need to create an overall framework which maximises the cost-effective uptake of renewables in the energy system.... 
 8 Jul 2020

SKILLcard endorsements now ‘fully digital’

One of the construction industry’s largest card issuing and personnel registration schemes has further streamlined its service by making the recording of employer endorsements for card applicants fully digital.... 
 7 Jul 2020

Explore the potential of Organic Rankine Cycle technology at Rankine 2020 online

The Institute of Refrigeration has released the full programme of speakers for the Rankine 2020 online international conference which takes place on 27 to 31 July this year. The programme features 75 individual talks, 3 keynote addresses, 1 short ... 
 6 Jul 2020

BESA teams up with TEMA

The Technology Enabled Maintenance Association (TEMA) is partnering with the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) to help accelerate the adoption of emerging technologies by the building maintenance sector.... 
 3 Jul 2020

New BESA president calls for unity of purpose

Neil Brackenridge has been elected to serve as president of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) for 2020/21.... 
 3 Jul 2020

Updated Guidelines published to help organisations work safely

Version 2 of BSI’s Safe Working Guidelines has been published to help organisations protect people at work from the ongoing coronavirus risks, mitigate outbreaks and build long-term resilience.... 
 2 Jul 2020

Recovery plan must deliver jobs and cash, says BESA

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) has put its weight behind a three-stage plan to ensure construction can play a major role in the UK’s economic recovery.... 
 2 Jul 2020

Magni appointed Lu-Ve sales director of cooling systems

The Lu-Ve Group is reinforcing its management structure with the arrival of Roberto Magni as the new sales director, cooling systems.... 
 2 Jul 2020

Employers urged to join push for skills strategy

The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) is inviting companies, individuals and relevant organisations to join a major new initiative tasked with extending the current skills strategy for the building services sector.... 
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BESA National Conference