

Wood have been good - if done by someone else

Graham Hendra casts his technical eye over the daft and the dangerous work unearthed by readers.
Wood have been good - if done by someone else
What a beautiful install! The unit has been put up properly on brackets but the 'engineer' didn't know anything about the effect of leverage, so he only used bolts in the bottom of the brackets.

Obviously he didn't have anything to bolt the brackets to the glass with.

The genius then devised a set of props out of wood to hold up the unit!

Beautiful work. My definition of an engineer is someone who solves problems. This man was definitely an engineer. Well done!

The only possible reason for mounting the unit this high is that the pipe run was too long, if it had been mounted properly.

It's nice to also see that the pipes are free to sway around in the air. I mean, the price of clips are prohibitive, so why use them if they are not essential!

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