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Heat pumps

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Established in 1976, New-Air (Southern) Limited has been operating in the southern counties of England for over 35 Years. We specialise in the Supply, Installation, Service and Maintenance of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation equipment... more >>
kelvin cold Ltd Mauritius
Flow Switch, Paddle Flow Switch, Flow Sensor, Turbine Flow Sensor, Magnetic Inductive Flow meter, MAG Meter, Ultrasonic flow meter, Vortex Flow Meter, Flow Switches, Flow Sensors, MAG meters, Vortex Flow Meters, Flow Switches for Heat Pumps, Flow Swi... more >>
Euro-Controls UK Ltd United Kingdom
Air conditioning, portable; Air conditioning, split systems; Controls, temperature; Dehumidifiers; Humidifiers
Founded in 1993, Building & Maintenance Services Limited (BMS) is a leading provider of extensive property services, installation and preventative maintenance for all types of air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation, electrical and mechanical im... more >>
Star Refrigeration Ltd United Kingdom
Chillers, blast; Chillers, packaged; Chillers, process cooling; Cold rooms/cold stores
Air Conditioning . Ventilation . Building Services . Consult . Design . Install .
Shorts Industries Ltd United Kingdom
Low Carbon Heating and Cooling incl gas absorption heat pumps, electric heat pumps, biomass boilers and absorption chillers.
Refrigeration and Air conditioning engineers
manufacturer of heat recoverers based on thermodynamic flow. since 1967.
Environ Technologies Ltd United Kingdom
Environ supply a comprehensive range of Acoustic Enclosures for all AC & Refrigeration Plant applications ranging from single fan splits through to large AC systems, VRV's and AHU's Environ acoustic enclosures deliver up to 27dB(A) noise absorbtio... more >>
ECE UK Ltd United Kingdom
Air handling units
Earthcare Products Ltd United Kingdom
Earthcare Products was created in response to the growing demand for environmentally friendly refrigeration and air conditioning and for the last seven years has supplied cost effective cooling solutions free from HCFC & HFC synthetic refrigerants. ... more >>
Premier Acs Ltd United Kingdom
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