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RPS Cooling is a European manufacturer providing an extensive range of competitively priced process cooling systems manufactured to industrial specifications, including fluid chillers, glycol chillers, packaged chillers, central chillers and industrial chillers, all suitable for process cooling of manufacturing processes, both direct and indirect, as well as machinery cooling and scientific applications, plus low temperature chillers. We additionally offer ecological propane chillers, oil coolers, immersed coil chillers and temperature controllers.
In addition to your industry sector, other typical applications include: Moulding equipment / Induction heating equipment / Welding equipment / Bakery / Brewery / Chemical operations / Food processing / Machine tools / Cooling jackets-mixers, ovens / Oil based coolants in drilling / Boiler feed sampling / Cement mixing / Lasers / Packaging machinery / Computers / Plasma cutting / Film processing / Electric generators / Plating tanks / Fish tanks / Blower pressure air/gas cooling / Compressed air/gas cooling / Spot cooling for equipment etc.
RPS Cooling Srl are listed in the following categories:

Mr Chris Walker
Sales Agent

Via Veneto 12/B,


Telephone: 07748 221628

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