A free seminar hosted by the Institute of Refrigeration on January 29 is the first of many planned in the new year to present project findings for REAL Zero (Refrigerant Emissions And Leakage – Zero).
The half-day seminar will be held in Birmingham to highlight carbon emission reduction responsibilities and how savings can be made on the costs of running refrigeration and air conditioning plant.
The IOR is working with the Carbon Trust to drive forward 'Real Zero', an initiative aimed at cutting refrigerant leakage and improving the environmental performance of refrigeration plant.
REAL Zero involves investigations carried out on 30 sites with a variety of types of cooling systems. The results identify the main sources of refrigerant leakage and how these can be reduced.
The speakers at the new year seminar are involved in the REAL Zero project, which required surveying sites in the UK to identify opportunities that could improve refrigerant leakage, and developing best practice guidance targeted at specific groups with a role to play in tackling the issue.
The resulting guides are backed up with a training programme and measurement tools. Those attending the seminar will be provided with a free tool kit of guides and tools to take away and use in their business.
The independent experts will speak about how practical steps can be taken to reduce refrigerant leakage and prevent further emissions.
The seminar is aimed at equipment owners, operators, users and managers. Contractors and engineers will also find the practical advice useful.
The Birmingham seminar covers:-
.Refrigeration reliability, efficiency and emissions reduction
. Why our industry is working towards REAL Zero
. Why refrigeration systems leak and what can be done about it
. The impact and opportunities of refrigeration leakage
.Your corporate and social responsibilities - carbon emissions in context
. Reducing your refrigeration carbon footprint
. The owners legal obligations
. Industry good practice guidance
. Simple steps to achieving savings
.Findings from our site surveys – what to look for to reduce leakage
.Designing out leaks – best practice for design, installation and maintenance
.Influencing the way decision makers manage their refrigerant asset base
.Tools, training and advice to improve site standards and practices
.Developing a strategic approach to refrigerant management in the RAC Sector (involving panel questions and discussion with end users, refrigerant suppliers, training providers and contractors)
Provisional dates and venues planned to present the Real Zero findings include:
-January 29 in Birmingham
-February 19 in London
-an additional date for the north of England.
To attend the REAL Zero - refrigerant emissions reduction event, book your place