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Latest Features

 1 May 2010

Service and Maintenance: Flush with success

The banning of R11 forced engineers to look again at methods for flushing a system. Advanced Engineering technical director Colin Pratt warns against the temptation to cut corners. 
 1 Mar 2010

Where next for refrigerants?

As the dust settles on R22, ACR News asks A-Gas md Ken Logan what gases we may be relying upon in the future. 
 1 Mar 2010

Refrigerants: Dealing with the pressure

AS A refrigerant with zero ozone depletion and negligible global warming potential, CO2 is expected by many to be the refrigerant of choice for many future applications. 
 1 Mar 2010

Editorial: Curbing emissions could save the planet

ENVIRONMENTALISTS have come in for so much criticism of late that further comment from me might seem like kicking a man when he is down, writes Neil Everitt, ACR News editor. 
 1 Jan 2010

All change or just a phase?

Will the development of phase-change materials lead to this technology being considered as an energy efficient cooling/heating option or supplement to conventional ac systems? 
 1 Dec 2009

Alternative Refrigerants: AREA squares up to alternatives

IN AN advisory paper to the European Commission, AREA has promoted the continuing use of HFCs, questioned the effectiveness of so-called "drop in" replacements for R22 and predicted a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the F-gas regulations. 
 1 Dec 2009

Refrigeration controls: Regain control, go wireless

IN MOST buildings, power and communications still depend on a complex lattice of copper wires threaded throughout the structure. Each one of perhaps hundreds of thousands of individual cables has to be routed and attached at either end by a human hand. The cost in materials, time and potential error is vast. 
 1 Dec 2009

Editorial: What's a name between firm friends?

Have you noticed how people are becoming less likely to use their real name. Even in an age where people are increasingly likely to expose their most intimate details on websites like Facebook, there are others who are perfectly happy, even encouraged, to hide behind "user names" on web forums and the like. 
 1 Dec 2009

Army’s loss proved to be a lucky break for acr industry

WHEN air conditioning engineer Simon Dawes of Total Environmental Network was crowned the 2009 UK Skillfridge champion in July, it was the culmination of six years' dedicated training in a job he just "fell into" after being denied an army career. 
 1 Nov 2009

Editor's comment: The ice factory is worth saving

REFRIGERATION'S invaluable contribution to mankind's development, our health and very survival on this planet, has been the mantra of many a president of the Institute at past IoR dinners. 
 1 Nov 2009

Heat pumps: The heatpump comes of age

Heat pumps are finally beginning to fulfil their promise as the future of heating. Graham Wright, Sanyo's technical manager and head of the company's heating division, reports on the accelerating roll-out of a new technology. 
 1 Nov 2009

Heat pumps: Bridging the information gap

ICS Heat Pump Technology has reported that more than 150 heat pump installers in the UK have joined its installer scheme in the eight months between the scheme's launch in September2008 and the end of July 2009. 
 1 Nov 2009

Coils, coolers and condensers: Clean, kill and protect

Current coil cleaning best practice is sorely in need of a revamp to reduce infection risks, says Advanced Engineering technical director Colin Pratt. 
 1 Nov 2009

Compressors: Don't blame the compressor!

The trend within the industry is to blame the compressor when a refrigeration system fails. However, according to Kevin Glass, engineering manager of Bitzer UK, compressor failure is a rarity and effective diagnosis is critical. 
 1 Oct 2009

Data Centre Cooling: Chipping away at energy consumption

WITH the energy consumption of datra centres set to double by 2011, the need to come up with ever more efficient cooling systems is paramount, as Wayne Rose, marketing manager of Armstrong, explains. 
 1 Oct 2009

Data Centre Cooling: Taking advantage of free cooling

AS chillers and close control units are optimised to make more effective use of free cooling, there is a need for specifiers to take a fresh look at their designs. Dean Ward of Walter Meier (Climate UK) explains how these principles apply to data centres 
 1 Oct 2009

Editorial: Has something gone off in the fridge?

RECENT stories of exploding domestic fridges raise a number of serious safety concerns for society generally and for this industry in particular. 
 1 Oct 2009

Supermarket refrigeration: Zero tolerance on leaks

Steve McMahon, UK retail sales manager at refrigerant monitoring experts Parasense, takes a look at the importance of leak detection equipment in the fight to reduce harmful emissions 
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