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Latest Features

 23 Nov 2015


While HPC systems form a relatively small part of most organisations’ IT infrastructure, they often demand the most attention. Think of the disruptive children at school who make up about 5% - yet demanding 30% of the resources! As a result HPC ... 
 29 Oct 2015

BSRIA study reveals changing technology for data centre cooling

BSRIA has published a new market study which shows that – with the CISCO Cloud Index forecasting – data centre traffic will grow at 23 per cent CAGR, reaching 8.6 zettabytes by 2018. 
 10 Aug 2015

Keeping cool means keeping safe

Keeping air conditioning on in the car keeps drivers safe, but many are unaware of benefits, according to a survey conducted by Honeywell. 
 1 Jul 2015

Gram’s Go Green Debate heats up for the second time

On Thursday 25 June Gram’s latest panel of experts took to the stage to discuss the benefits of operational efficiencies within foodservice outlets, as the company’s Go Green Debate live streamed its second webinar in the series. 
 25 Jun 2015

Safe and sound – insight and tips on keeping van thieves away from your vehicle

Samuel Williams, new business manager at Northgate Vehicle Hire provides his top tips to van users. 
 15 Jun 2015

Data centres risk large fines over new legislation

Keysource, an expert in business critical environments, is warning data centre operators and tenants that they have less than six months to ensure they meet the requirements of ESOS, the new EU legislation which monitors energy management. 
 1 Jun 2015

Necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the mother of invention Chairman of Adande, Nigel Bell, looks at the implications for refrigerated retail display equipment manufacturers and suppliers, of the European Commission’s draft regulations for mandatory energy labels on supermarket cabinets. 
 27 May 2015

Turkey: The forgotten market

Turkey has been overlooked as both an export and as an investment market (for inward investment) for many reasons. 
 7 May 2015

Renewable energy - the vital missing link

For years, renewable energy, especially solar power and wind, has offered the tantalising prospect of almost zero carbon energy; tantalising because, even as costs fall, solar and wind are inherently unreliable, especially in temperate climates such as those that we ‘enjoy ‘in regions like Western Europe, and much of North America not to mention most of the developed world. 
 10 Feb 2015

Air conditioning refurbishment at the Coca-Cola London Eye

At 135m, the Coca-Cola London Eye is the world’s largest cantilevered observation wheel. 
 2 Feb 2015

Trends in commercial refrigeration for 2015

The commercial refrigeration market has seen great innovation in recent years. 
 28 Jan 2015

R22 phase out – replace or modify?

BSRIA’s director of engineering, Mike Smith, is concerned that many building owner/operators may be unaware of the changes in refrigerant legislation that could have a major impact on their business. 
 26 Jan 2015

The road so far and the journey ahead

The last twelve months have seen an upsurge in market confidence and business, as well as well as legislation driven research and development. ACR News asks five people from across the industry what their views are on the road so far, as well as ... 
 3 Dec 2014

Prepare for the F word!

New rules from the start of 2015 will replace current requirements covering fluorinated gases (F-gas). 
 29 Oct 2014

Cool thinking opens the door to new drinks markets

For manufacturers of soft and alcoholic drinks, ensuring that their products are delivered to the consumer at the right temperature is a vital brand component. 
 15 Sep 2014

IPCC Fourth Assessment and the F-Gas Regulations

The fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that, on the basis of existing scientific data, developed countries would need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% to 95% below 1990 levels by 2050. 
 7 Aug 2014

Heating and air conditioning firms play to gender stereotypes in their branding

The marketing used by heating and air conditioning engineers still plays to traditional gender stereotypes, new research has revealed. 
 5 Aug 2014

Office temperature wars

Following on from its popular article on Office Temperatures, Andrews Sykes has come up with an infographic that's easy on the eye for the over-heated.... 
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