3 July 2012
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Edinburgh legionnaires cases hit 98
UK: The latest reports on the Edinburgh legionnaires' outbreak show two further cases of the disease - one confirmed and one suspected - bringing the total to 98.
The individuals have been unwell for a period of time, are considered to be part of the origional outbreak and are being treated outwith the NHS Lothian area.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 50 and the number of suspected cases is 48. The total number of overall cases is 98.
There remains three patients in intensive care and 10 on general wards.
A total of 20 cases are being treated in the community, 53 have been discharged from hospital and two people have sadly died.
Ten cases are being treated outwith the NHS Lothian area. The ages of the confirmed cases ranges between 32 and 85, with more males than females affected.
The Health and Safety Executive and Edinburgh City Council are continuing their investigations into the possible source of the outbreak.
Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said: 'The latest cases of loegionnaires' have been ill for some days, and have only recently been identified. Case numbers continue to be very substantially below the level we saw at the peak of the outbreak.'