26 November 2007
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Bus fleet delivers low blow in Cardiff
CARDIFF'S schoolchildren may have to use their heads to avoid getting a headache from a low-fitted ac unit on the schoolbus.
The fleet of 13 new buses may prove unlucky for some unsuspecting pupil who misses the warning sign covering each buses' ac ceiling unit positioned above the stairs.
One of the new Cardiff Bus double deckers complete with ac unit were on show at a bus exhibition at Birmingham NEC to promote the fleet's launch on December 3, the day it is scheduled to begin transporting Cardiff's kids and other citizens.
A Cardiff Bus spokesperson said 'The new double deckers have passed all COIF (City of Initial Fitness) inspections and testing.
'We have also put warning signs above the air conditioning unit, as well as cushioned panels on the corners of the units'.
Despite the limited head room, the double deckers were built to include extra leg room seatbelts, coach seats and CCTV.