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ASERCOM: Achieving the decarbonisation target

According to ASERCOM (the Association  of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers), European bodies and institutions are on the last mile in the discussion on how to improve the new F-Gas regulation. Given the large contribution the HVACR industry can make to decarbonisation, the Association says that it is important to keep an eye on the actual technology and industrial availability to accelerate the pace of change in emission reductions.

'What really matters for the environment is the actual feasibility of a proposal. If there are false or misleading targets, in terms of timing and/or technologies, we fail as an industrial and political fabric to make our powerful contribution to decarbonising our economies,' said Marco Masini, president of ASERCOM, calling on EU parliamentarians and commissioners to seriously consider the contribution of manufacturers of basic components for refrigeration and heat pump applications.

'The new electrified economy we are aiming for, which can take advantage of zero-carbon power generation, will be more effective if ErP's (energy-related products) - which consume the most energy during their on-site life cycle - are available for manufacture. Priorities at this stage should be on efficiency first and only then on the impact of refrigerants on the atmosphere, not the other way around.'

Mr Masini concluded: 'The EU is working hard on both sides, creating some challenges that go beyond the target. But perhaps they are losing sight of the main objective of product and technology availability to get to the point! At ASERCOM, we are trying our best to keep them grounded to achieve the results.'


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