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22 January 2015

Portable HEPS Purifier

Looking for a powerful, stand alone air purification system? Our portable HEPS Purifier can fit the bill.

We offer a portable HEPS air purifier for premises where our small vent systems are not installed. The powerful, standalone system:

  • Removes all air particles larger than five microns

  • Removes tiny allergens that can only be seen by a microscope

  • Destroys toxic chemicals and eliminates household odours

  • Kills viruses and bacteria on contact using a powerful ultraviolet light.

The portable HEPS has intelligent electronic sensors that monitor air quality and automatically increase air purifier performance during periods of unusually high chemical activity.

Click here to find out more about: The Ingenious Air Company (Hi-Velocity UK Ltd)
N.B. The information contained in this entry is provided by the above supplier, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher
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