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Posts in Category: Fresh Talk

Time to wake up!  

I heard a funny story the other day about a man who knocks on his son’s door...... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 09 June 2009 16:51:28 Categories: Fresh Talk

The end is nigh for HFCs or is it? 

"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" famously joked Mark Twain after hearing that his obituary had been published in the New York Journal. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 05 February 2009 10:21:39 Categories: Fresh Talk

Happy Chinese New Year! 

Today is the first day in the lunar calendar and 2009 is the year of the Ox.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 27 January 2009 11:49:12 Categories: Fresh Talk

ACR Engineers - the 4th emergency service? 

It is nice to be back after a short absence. Did anyone notice I was gone? A few months ago I was involved, through no fault of my own, in a rather serious car accident. ... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 18 November 2008 12:03:14 Categories: Fresh Talk

Lies, damned lies and statistics 

Have you ever heard the fact that if you eat peanuts the day before you fly you are 73% less likely to be involved in a plane crash, or that 27% of female lottery winners hid their winning ticket in their bras?... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 21 April 2008 13:57:40 Categories: Fresh Talk

‘You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone’ 

The Scottish have a long tradition of hospitality so perhaps the warm welcome extended to all at the IOR Scottish branch annual dinner each year shouldn’t come as any surprise.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 07 March 2008 15:48:05 Categories: Fresh Talk

Should auld acquaintance be forgot?  

Christmas is said to be the time for remembering old friends and judging by the number of cards I received from people that I haven’t seen for a while, that is possibly true.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 07 January 2008 11:21:23 Categories: Fresh Talk

Not a wonderful leak-free world  

If some reported estimates are to be believed (and I personally have no reason to doubt them) we are still using approximately 2000 tonnes of R22 every year.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 10 December 2007 16:00:24 Categories: Fresh Talk

Cool schooling for the future by Steve Gill 

It used to be said that you know when you're getting old when policemen start to look younger. May be it is because I don't meet many police men these days but I never seemed to reach this mile stone.... Read the rest of this article...
Posted by Steve Gill 12 November 2007 15:23:37 Categories: Fresh Talk
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