
10 January 2017

Coils for Heating and Cooling

Coils for Heating, Cooling, and Heat Recovery can be manufactured to almost any size using ½” or 5/8” o.d copper tubes with aluminium or copper fins and galvanized or stainless steel casings for duct or ahu mounting.

Our selection software will give the optimum selection for heating, cooling or runaround heat recovery. Coil drawing software produces customer arrangement drawings and production drawings in one operation to ensure that we can offer the quickest possible delivery.

Products & Services


    Dry Air Coolers - Air Blast Radiators

    Air Cooled Condensers

    Control Panels

    Forced Air Coolers

    Site Service

Click here to find out more about: HC Coils Ltd
N.B. The information contained in this entry is provided by the above supplier, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher