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Introducing the Siccom range of condensate pumps in the UK. Pumps2go is happy to bring one of the global leaders in condensate pumps brands to the UK, an extensive range of pumps providing outstanding quality and flexibility for the installer of Refrigeration, A/C and HVAC systems. 


Flowatch Vision

Condensate pump vision
Condensate pump sunny flowatch duo

 Sunny  Flowatch Duo

Flowatch design trunking pump

Flowatch Design

Condensate pump Flowatch 2


Flowatch 2

Technical advice:

If you have any questions about any of the

Condensate pumps we offer, Please call and

ask. We will be happy to assist you.


Phone us: +44 (0) 1283 512 513 


Email us :

Carly Chemical Range

Now Available from Pumps2go, Bringing you

Flexible easy to use cleaning products.

Available in easy you use liquid bottles or in

Aerosol options.

Condenser, Evaporator, surface and fresheners with in the chemicals range.

CARLYBIO condendate freshen, clean+ disinfectant
Carlyclean Condensate multi cleaner
Carlyloc Condensate lead detector
Carlypro 2 in 1 condensate cleaner
Carlycool condensate heat sheild gel
CarleyLoc leak detecter spray
CarlyPro 2 in 1 condensate cleaner
CarlyClean condensate multi cleaner
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