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Generation change at the top of ASERCOM

The Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, ASERCOM has appointed Marco Masini as its new president. He succeeds Wolfgang Zaremski, who will step down on 30 June 2022.

Marco Masini.

After completing his doctorate in Nuclear Engineering and Safety, Mr Masini worked for many years for companies such as GE, Laben, Toshiba Carrier, Carrier Refrigeration and Epta. For many years he was involved with ASERCOM as a representative of the Italian Association Assofrigoristi. Since 2015 he has been working as an consultant on various tasks in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning technology.

“In these challenging times for our industry we are very happy that Marco takes over the position as president of ASERCOM,' said Rainer Große-Kracht, chairman of the board at ASERCOM. 'He will continue the excellent work of Wolfgang Zaremski who brought the association through the stormy years of covid pandemic and retires now from the presidency. With Marco we continue to focus our efforts to explain the challenges caused by the European legislative. It is our mission to accompany and guide the industry with the future-proof solutions our members develop. With Marco we found a well-known specialist from our industry with many years of experience and an excellent network within ASERCOM and to other associations especially from the contractor’s part.”

Mr Masini said: “It’s a real pleasure to receive ASERCOM‘s trust and appointment to presidency since of my personal professional history within most of the constituent blocks of HVAC&R sector. It’s a challenging time for us due to the ongoing rule changes. These are putting under severe stress both manufacturers and contractors to find the right balance for a mutual and proficient cooperation. This is to face climate change – addressing both direct and indirect environmental impact – and keep the maximum attention to safe product standard and working practice for workers and consumers.”



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