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Energy efficiency grant for IoR

THE Institute of Refrigeration is one of a number of industry bodies to have received energy efficiency funding from The Carbon Trust. The Cold Storage and Distributions Federation, the Building Controls Industry Association and the IoR all received £20,000 towards promoting energy efficiency and carbon emission reductions.
The IoR will use the money to create a toolkit which will provide independent guidance to help users and purchasers assess the relative energy efficiency of different refrigeration equipment.

Karen Germain, networks manager at the Carbon Trust, said 'Our work with the Institute of Refrigeration and with other trade and professional bodies is an important part of our overall role in helping businesses and public sector organisations cut carbon emissions. This wave of funding will contribute to a variety of initiatives which in total amount to more than £1.13m and we look forward to supporting the Institute as they encourage businesses to reduce carbon emissions.'

IoR president Dr Guy Hundy added 'We're keen to help designers and purchasers of refrigeration equipment make more energy efficient choices, and this funding will help more and more people to understand the ways in which we can use technology to ultimately help reduce carbon emissions.'

The IOR Annual Conference – a conference on-demand

Delegates to the IOR Annual Conference taking place from 21 to 22 April will get the chance to access the event live and all sessions and recordings for up six months afterwards providing fantastic value and allowing anyone registering for the event ...


Condair helps Konvekta achieve 92% energy recovery

The Condair ME evaporative humidifier is being used by energy recovery specialists, Konvekta, as one of its standard adiabatic cooling solutions. The humidifier is being incorporated into Konvekta’s exhaust air cooling systems to help Konvekta ...


Summer is coming - checklist for chillers in summer

With the warmer summer months coming, we recommend you give your chiller a good clean and inspection so equipment can operate efficiently and production can run smoothly.
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