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Electrifying challenge raises money for NHS

Bitzer UK's sales director James Graham completed a Total Warrior challenge with a difference in aid of NHS Hospitals in Leeds.

James Graham.

In addition to jumping, swimming, climbing and running through a quagmire of mud, the Total Warrior 12km course at Bramham Park in Leeds involved getting zapped by high voltage electric cables.

'Getting over the nine foot vertical wall with over-hang was a challenge,' said Mr Graham. 'However, running through the forest of dangling electric wires is something that life just doesn't prepare you for. It took a moment to psych myself up, but, once you are off and moving, there is no stopping!'

Mr Graham’s seven-person team completed the 12km course in 2hrs 15mins, raising over £1000 for the NHS.

'The electrocution obstacle wasn’t half as bad as we thought it would be,' he said. “There was of course mud, mud, and more mud. My water-proof socks proved to be really good at keeping water in my shoes, rather than out. Which gave the rest of the team a laugh, as I kept having to stop and take my shoes off to empty them!'

He added: 'BIitzer colleagues were brilliant and provided tremendous support, sponsoring the team in aid of the NHS, which has done such as wonderful job over the past year and a half.'

It was the first extreme event Mr Graham had completed. Undaunted, however, he has already signed up for a Tough Mudder challenge – similar to Total Warrior but 4km longer – in September.


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