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CoolKit welcomes new operations director

CoolKit has appointed Andrew Wearing as its new operations director with the remit of helping the business to achieve significant future growth.

CoolKit operations director Andrew Wearing.

Mr Wearing said the rapid expansion of CoolKit is what attracted him to the position, alongside the challenges that come with such an impressive evolution.

He explained: “CoolKit has witnessed impressive growth and has been acknowledged by an array of industry awards. The ambition of the senior management team and the company as a whole is what leads me to believe that it is capable of much more. I can sense the excitement and potential opportunities for this fantastic business.”

Mr Wearing’s role will be to oversee the operational team, making sure that quality and service sit at the forefront of the team’s strategy and daily focus.

Starting his career in the textiles industry, he has held operational positions since the early 1990s and has worked at board level since 2000.

Having now returned to the UK, Mr Wearing spent the past six years in Georgia, USA, readying a manufacturing business for sale.

He concluded: “CoolKit is a family business without the corporate feel, but with plenty of ambition. I am looking forward to working with the whole team to grow the business by constantly improving the company’s reputation for innovation, quality and service.”

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