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BEST achieves accreditation to international standard

“The BEST team should be proud to have secured independent evidence of its excellence in this important regard,” he added.

Building Engineering Services Training (BEST), the training provider and a subsidiary of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA), has achieved accreditation to the matrix standard.

Matrix is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver training information, advice and guidance in support of individuals in relation to their career choices, learning programmes and work and life goals.

It consists of four elements that fit around an organisation’s business themes: leadership and management; resource; service delivery and continuous quality improvement.

BESA chief executive Paul McLaughlin (pictured below) pointed out that much of the assessment had been based on feedback from learners and employers.

He said: “Accreditation is not just about getting written procedures right. It is also about effective engagement and interaction with customers.

“The BEST team should be proud to have secured independent evidence of its excellence in this important regard,” he added.

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BESA National Conference